Thursday, 15 October 2009

How to Make Money Online For Beginners

Making money online these days isn't has hard as it used to be. You don't have to pay a large web developing firm to create a site for you, and you don't have to spend a lot of money marketing either. What you do need though is a plan and a desire to carry it out. Here are the bare boned steps to making money online with your own website.

Decide what your sit is going to be about. Are you going to sell a product or service. Do you already have a brick and mortar business that you would like to expand online? Do you have a passion, a hobby, or skill that you wan to bring to the online world? When you've focused on what your website is going to be about, then your first step is complete.

Create a website. There are plenty of free website plat forms for you to start with. You can go to Google sites, Weebly, Blogger or WordPress. With any one of these sites you can get a free website or blog that has all of the benefits of a full service web host.

Create content. Start writing pages about your business, product, hobby, or whatever your focus happens be. If you want to sell widgets on line, write articles and add pictures of big widgets, small widgets, and what makes your widgets better than the rest. Write interesting and informative articles about widget with equally interesting pictures of widgets. Write about the fact that widgets can be great for use with kids, dogs, and kittens. Become a widget master. Once you have informed your audience about widgets, they will be more apt to buy from you.

Be an affiliate. If you don't have room to store your products, or you don't really have a service to provide, try affiliate marketing. When you sell other peoples products, they will give you a commission on each sale. If your site is a pet site for instance, write articles on your website about different types of dogs that are appropriate for different types of owners. Within the article you can insert text links that sell things like dog treats, dog collars, and dog accessories. When people click on the links and buy the products, you get a commission on each sale.

Market your site. Get your site out there for people to see. Post on forums, use social book marking sites, and paid advertising to reach your audience.

Making money online is not hard, you just have to make up your mind to do it. It doesn't take a huge monetary investment, but it does take time and dedication. Once you've mastered the basics, you can use more advanced skills to increase your earning potential.

Carolyn Rachel is the head writer for WealthWeb ignores all of the meaningless Internet scams that are floating around the web, and gives you quality information on how to make money online legitimately. We also have a new online wealth review blog at:

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